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Basic information

Marcin Kromer

Bacciarelli, Marcello (1731-1818) (author)
Place of creation/finding
Warsaw (Poland) (production place)
copper sheet
picture / painting, portrait
The Royal Castle in Warsaw – Museum
88,5 x 71 cm (oval)
Text description

Marcin Kromer

Bacciarelli, Marcello (1731-1818) (author)
One of ten portraits of illustrious personages of Poland installed as overdoors in the Knights’ Hall at the Royal Castle in Warsaw. In the catalogues of the Stanisław August collection the painting is unnumbered; in the 1795 catalogue it is listed as: “Portrait de Mart. Kromerus". Marcin Kromer (1512–89), Bishop of Warmia 1579, writers, historian, author of De origine et rebus gestis Polonorum (1555). Inscribed on the back: Marcin Kromer/ naprzód Koadyutor potym Biskup Warmiński urodził się w Bie=/czu ze Slachetnych rodziców. wydoskonalony w naukach w Kra=/kowie i innych zagranicznych Akademiiach, był Sekretarzem u/ Choinskiego i Gamrata Bisk: Krak: Zygmunt August przełożył go/ nad Archivum Koronnym, z Którego zrzodła historyą powszechną Na=/rodu swoiego wyczerpnął. Od tegoz Króla posłany do Niemiec do dwo=/ru Ferdynanda I. Cesarza, urząd posła przez lat Kilka ze Sławą spra=/wował. Dzieła iego drukowane wielki mu szacunek u swoich i obcych zied=/nały. umarł w R. 1589 dnia 23 marca wieku swoiego Roku 77. Bacciarelli pinxit 1782 [Marcin Kromer/ first Suffragan, then Bishop of Warmia, born in Biecz of noble parents. Pursued studies in Kraków and in other foreign Academies, was secretary to Choinski and Gamrat, Bishops of Kraków. Zygmunt II August made him Chief of the Crown Archives, which provided sources for his general history of his Nation. For several years he remained the King’s envoy to Germany, to the Court of Emperor Ferdinand I, where he acquitted himself with honour. His printed works earned him the respect of both compatriots and foreigners. Died in 1589, on 23 March, at the age of 77. Bacciarelli pinxit 1782] The plaque above the portrait is inscribed: MART: CROMERUS + MDLXXXIX.
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Marcin Kromer

Bacciarelli, Marcello (1731-1818) (author)