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Basic information
Jan Karol Chodkiewicz
Bacciarelli, Marcello (1731-1818) (author)
Place of creation/finding
Warsaw (Poland) (production place)
copper sheet
picture / painting, portrait
The Royal Castle in Warsaw – Museum
88.5 x 71 cm (oval)
Chodkiewicz Jan Karol
kolekcja Stanisława Augusta
Text description
Jan Karol Chodkiewicz
Bacciarelli, Marcello (1731-1818) (author)
One of ten portraits of illustrious personages of Poland installed as overdoors in the Knights’ Hall at the Royal Castle in Warsaw. In the catalogues of the Stanisław August collection, the painting is unnumbered; in the 1795 catalogue it is listed as: “Portrait de Joa. Car. Chodkiewicz". Jan Karol Chodkiewicz (1560–1621), Great Hetman of Lithuania 1605, Voivode of Vilnius [Pol. Wilno] 1616, fought in the wars against Sweden and Moscow. Inscribed on the back: Jan Karol Chodkiewicz Woi: Wil: Het: W: L:/ syn Jana Kasz: Wil. i Krystyny Zborowskiey Kasz:/ Krak: urodził się w R. 1560. W szkołach ieszcze Wileń:/ od Stefana Króla pochwalony i do dzieł wielkich przezna/czony młodsze lata na różnych Kampaniach zagranicznych/ ze sławą przebył Wołoszę pod Zamoyskim Het: i wkrótce Szwe/dów pod tymże pogromił. Tychże Szwedów po kilkanaście razy mianowicie pod Kircholmem, iuż Het: W: Litewski, zwyciężywszy, ca/łe Inflanty z nich oczyścił. Na dwóch wyprawach Moskiewskich honor/ imienia Polskiego w naytrudniejszych okolicznościach utrzymał i Na/rodowi samemu wiele ziem Zadnieprskich przywrócił. Obrany pow/szechnym obu Narodów Wodzem na Woynę Turecką po kilku/ potyczkach szczęśliwych Umarł w Chocimiu R. 1621. d: 23 Wrześ: Pochowany w/ Ostrogu Pinxit Bacciarelli: 1782 [Jan Karol Chodkiewicz, Voivode of Vilnius [Wilno], Great Hetman of Lithuania, Son of Jan, Castellan of Vilnius and Krystyna Zborowska, Castellan of Kraków. Born in 1560. During his schooling in Vilnius, praised by King Stefan and intended for noble endeavours. Spent his early years in various foreign campaigns. Under Hetman Zamoyski he basked in glory in the Vallachia campaign and soon under same defeated the Swedes. After defeating them several times as the Great Hetman of Lithuania, including the battle of Kircholm, he routed the Swedes from the whole of Livonia. In two Moscow campaigns he defended the honour of Poles in the direst of circumstances and restored lands beyond the Dneiper River to the Nation. Elected the General Commander in Chief of the Polish Commonwealth for the Turkish Wars. After several victorious battles, he perished at Chocim in 1621, on 23 September. Buried in Ostrog. Pinxit Bacciarelli: 1782] The plaque above the portrait is inscribed: JOA. CARO. HODKIEWICZ + MDCXXI.
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Jan Karol Chodkiewicz
Bacciarelli, Marcello (1731-1818) (author)
Basic information
Text description
Chodkiewicz Jan Karol
kolekcja Stanisława Augusta