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Stanisław August Poniatowski and the Symbolic Scene of his Kidnapping by the Bar Confederates

Friedrich, Jacob Andreas mł. (1714-1781)
Place of creation/finding
Germany (country)
miedzioryt częściowo punktowany, akwaforta
The Royal Castle in Warsaw – Museum
16.4 x 10.2 cm
Text description

Stanisław August Poniatowski and the Symbolic Scene of his Kidnapping by the Bar Confederates

Friedrich, Jacob Andreas mł. (1714-1781)
The King is shown in an oval, below which is a scene of his kidnapping. It is a half-length portrait with the head turned 3 right. He is shown in a tricorne, the coat of a uniform, an ermine cloak fastened with a clasp and the riband of the Order of the White Eagle. The portrait in the oval frame is surmounted with a rococo cartouche with the inscription: STANISLAUS/ AUGUSTUS/ D.G. Rex Polonia/ M.D. Lich./ raptus d. 3. Nov. 1771. The portrait is leaning against a pedestal partly hidden by a cloud. The lower part of the composition shows a kidnapper trampling on a book, the crown and scepter and tablets with the Ten Commandments, while attacking the King with a dagger. The attacker is being held back by Pallas Athene’s left hand; she is seated on a cloud holding a shield depicting the Eye of Providence in her other hand. Beneath the composition is a cartouche with the motto: Hac operante / bonus Princeps / servatur / ab hoste. The print was published in: Geschichte des gegenwärtingen polnischen Kriegs…, Augsburg, Frankfurt u. Leipzig 1778. This print, made for propaganda purposes, is connected with the attempted kidnapping of the King by the Bar Confederates on 3 November 1771. It emphasizes the role of Providence, who protected him, as well as the traits of the kidnappers who are seen trampling the laws that are in force. The engraving is also the only known work signed Ezocki; given the subject matter of the engraving, the artist may have preferred not to use his real name.
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Stanisław August Poniatowski and the Symbolic Scene of his Kidnapping by the Bar Confederates

Friedrich, Jacob Andreas mł. (1714-1781)
Najcenniejsze nabytki. Dary i zakupy w latach 2011-2012, Zamek Królewski w Warszawie – Muzeum, PokóJ Królewiczowski Pierwszy, I p. Zamku, 20.I.2013-3.II.2013