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Third May 1791

Łęski, Józef (1760-1825), Norblin de la Gourdaine, Jean Pierre (1745-1830) autor wzoru (malarz)
Place of creation/finding
Warsaw (Poland)
akwaforta, lawowanie, tusz
laid paper
The Royal Castle in Warsaw – Museum
32.5 x 39.6 cm
Text description

Third May 1791

Łęski, Józef (1760-1825), Norblin de la Gourdaine, Jean Pierre (1745-1830) autor wzoru (malarz)
Norblin made two versions of the drawing depicting the Adoption of the Constitution of 3 May 1791. The engraving was made, as indicated in the inscription, after a drawing then in the collections of Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz. The drawing was later purchased by Stanisław Kostka Potocki. It is now in the Department of Iconography at the National Museum in Warsaw, which houses part of the historic collection of the Potockis. The artist executed this subject several times, but the only thing we know is that this particular drawing was made on 3 May 1791, as confirmed by the signature: Norblin fc. 1791 d’aprés N. Dr. Hanna Widacka wrote that the copper plate was “damaged", after only 20 impressions had been pulled, which is probably why the print is rarely found in collections. Under the engraving is an inscription in Polish and French separated by the royal coat of arms surmounted by a crown and a personification of Justice and Fame. Inscribed: on left: DZIEŃ TRZECIEGO MAIA MDCCXCI./ Poświęcony Sławie Króla i Narodu/ Oryginał dwa razy większy wzdłuż i wszerz znayduie się u J. W. Jul: Niemcewicza Posła Inflantskiego. [THIRD OF MAY 1791/ Dedicated to the Honour of King and Nation/The original, twice as large in width and length is in the collection of J. Niemcewicz, MP for Livonia] on right: LE IOUR DU TROIS DE MAI MDCCXCI./ Dédié au Roi et a la Nation./ par Jos. Łęski/ Officier au Corps des Cadetts/ Tiré du Cabinet de Mr Niemcewicz Nonce de Livonie. Signed on frame under composition, on left: Norblin rysował z natury. [drawn from life by Norblin.]; on right: J. Łęski del et sculp Varsavia 1792.
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Third May 1791

Łęski, Józef (1760-1825), Norblin de la Gourdaine, Jean Pierre (1745-1830) autor wzoru (malarz)
Historia i Polonia, Muzeum Narodowe w Kielcach, 29.IX.2009-31.XII.2009
Jan Piotr Norblin. Sentymentalny reporter, Zamek Królewski w Warszawie – Muzeum, Pałac Pod Blachą, 9.IX.2022-11.XII.2022
Saskie wizje, Zamek Królewski w Warszawie - Muzeum
Solidarność 1830. Niemcy i Polacy po Powstaniu Listopadowym., Zamek Królewski w Warszawie – Muzeum, Museum Europaischer Kulruren SMB, 2.III.2006-30.IV.2006